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Appointment System Notes:
『According to Article 11 of the Physicians Act: A physician may not treat, issue prescriptions or certificates of diagnosis to patients not diagnosed by the physician himself or herself.』
1. If you cannot attend your appointment please cancel it via this system or by calling 2764994 one day prior to the appointment; otherwise our system would list it as Missed Appointment.
2. If our record shows you have three missed appointments, we do not allow you to make appointments within one month from the third missed appointment date.
3. Online Registration System is not available for appointments with Gastroenterologist Dr. Qi-Yi Chen, Urologist Dr. Zong-Xing Tsai, Child Neurologist Dr. Chao-Qing Huang, and Dr. DaRen Wu of the Metabolism Department.
4. For dental appointments please call 2765041 ext. 6241.
5. To make appointments for physical examination, please call 2765041 ext. 7211.
6. To make appointments with Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, please call 27650411 ext. 6215.
7. Please accept our apologies as this system is compatible with Microsoft Explorer only.
8. To save your time, please be advised to make an appointment earlier in case the doctor you prefer is booked up.
9. In July 15, 2005, the Bureau of National Health Insurance inaugurated a referral system. Patients with a referral from are advised to present the form during consultation. Patients who make a revisit within seven days are advised to present a tip sheet during payment.
10. To save your waiting time, please be advised to check the current Outpatient No. using Outpatient Number Lookup.
11. Evening Dentistry is currently unavailable on Tuesday and Thursday. Please accept our apology for any inconvenience.
12. Cervical Smear Clinic is added on April 1, featuring professional female doctors A cervical smear test is particularly advised for women aged over 30 who have not yet done it this year.
13. If your computer encounters difficulties to show a complete schedule, please press Ctrl and F5 to redownload it.
Please Choose Your Department
Family Medicine Division Geriatric Medicine Pap smear Special Clinics
Internal Medicine:General Pulmonary Medicine Gastroenterology
Cardiology Nephrology Allergy/Immunology/Rheumatology
Infectious Disease Hematology and Oncology Endocrinology,Metabolism and Diabetes Division
General Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery Varicose veins Special Clinics
Plastic Surgery (Included Hand Surgery) Pediatric Surgery General Surgery Clinic & Thoracic Surgery
Colo-rectal Surgery Breast Surgery Clinic Pediatrics
Obstetrics and Gynecology Division Orthopedics Neurosurgery
Urology Division ENT Dept.(Otolaryngology) Ophthalmology
Dermatology Neurology Psychiatry
Rehabilitation Occupational Medicine Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Chinese Internal Clinic Pain Clinic Radiation Oncology
Nuclear Medicine

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If you have any suggestion, please mail to : Chiayi Christian Hospital